Strategic Play Global-Hong Kong/Macau/China 從2018年起,於中港澳三地提供高質素,以華語為基礎的「樂高®️認真玩®」方法引導師國際認證課程。我們的課程由Strategic Play Global開發及授權,四天課程的內容融合了商業、心理學、腦科學、教育、藝術和遊戲療法的理論和研究,讓參與者可以從不同角度認識這套創意工具,並且在完成課程後成為一個成功的引導師,激發團隊潛能,推動團隊創意及戰略性思維,讓團隊取得出色的成果。


樂高認真玩結合視覺、聽覺和觸覺的刺激,成為一種獨特而有力的引導方法。不管你是內向型還是外向型的人,只要你有一雙手和一張嘴,便可以通過「用手思考」把想法拼出來,並豐富地表達自己的故事。透過積木模型來說故事,可以令人們除了「聽見」別人的說話,更可以透過雙眼「看見」對方的想法,即謂"Listen with your eyes"。


Strategic Play Hong Kong/Macau/China 在 中港澳三地已訓練出超過200名樂高認真玩認證引導師, 參加者來自不同界別,有HR從業員,培訓師,大學教授, 社工,老師,初創企業老闆, 公務員,社企工作者等等,不能盡錄。
電郵我們吧!我們將在 24 小時內回覆!

A fast-paced, dynamic learning experience from LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®  gurus Brian and Joe. Whether you're an experienced LEGO® player or not, you will learn something from this course. Highly recommended if you want to develop organization strategy, optimize processes, or improve teamwork.

Michael Yung
Strategic Advisor
Google Cloud - Google Hong Kong

“LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is definitely a great tool to be used in my training workshops. Brian and Joe did gave me an unforgettable learning journey, they equipped me and showed me the ways how the bricks inspire and connect people. I am looking forward to attending the advanced program.

Ivan Choi
Training Manager
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council

If 5 stars are the max, I will give 6 stars.

I have never attended any official training without PPT until I went to this LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® program. Though I’m not a big fans of LEGO®, I would say LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is very powerful, impactful, insightful and magical tool to connect, inspire and recognise people under a fun & safe environment. Thank you Brian for bringing this brilliant training tool to Asia and to my life. Thank you Joe for inspiring and giving me the valuable feedback. 

Cawin Wong
Head of HK
Fujitsu HK

My learning journey was full of fun and aha moments. Brian and Joe are very experienced and professional trainers. The interactions we had in this program is excellent. The LSP Facilitator Certification Program is a mind-blowing program, which helps me to get an in-depth understanding about how powerful this tool in improving business effectiveness. I am super excited to apply what I have learned in this program to my job and daily life.

Alan Chan
P&C Business Partner-HK, Shenzhen & ANZ
Logitech HK Ltd.

The program is practical and beyond my expectation. I am confident to be a LSP facilitator once step out the classroom.

WL Yuen
Senior Business Analytics Manager
Pearson ELL China

LEGO 總給人「玩具」的感覺,但沒想過它的「力量」如此強大,透過特定課題下逐步砌,不知不覺將自己內心的感覺砌出來,亦能夠順利地分享,這是一個意想不到的過程 砌得好唔好完全唔重要,似唔似都唔系問題,一切都是由「我」來定義,這種完全地將個人肯定的過程,都要歸功於兩位經驗豐富 Trainer,才能讓人投入並無條件地分享 🌟 Thank You

Sammi Chan
Social Work Officer
Tung Wah Groups of Hospital

LSP by Strategy Play in Hong Kong is an inspirational program which reinforce the participants to think creatively with the use of hands and bricks. Brian and Joe are passionate and interactive trainers. They engage the participants in the content and process fully and indeed we learned a lot of valuable tools and concepts with fun and play. I have no hesitation to recommend this program to people who are looking for new ways or breakthrough via play.

Ivan Leung
Manager of Learning and Talent Development
Hong Kong Airlines

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Brian and Joe for their invaluable experience sharing. Their insights have reinforced my strong recommendation for Lego Serious Play (LSP) as a potent tool for training and development. LSP's engaging and interactive nature unlocks creativity, fosters collaboration, and enhances problem-solving skills. Witness the transformative impact of LSP and unleash the full potential of your participants.

Gorden Wong
Senior Manager - Learning and Development
Kerry Logistics

It is a very practical methodology that I can bring back for my learning activities, I like the magic of LSP in engaging people and stimulating their thoughts. Love it!!

Liz Chan
Learning Manager
Grand Hyatt Macau

Brian and Joe are great LSP guru and excellent trainers. A very good balance has been made in this hybrid workshop which make the whole learning experience seamlessly fine throughout the four whole days. They opened the eyes and enlightened the LSP journey of participants in a funny and self-discovery way. Highly recommended for everyone who believe in people development. Not to mention for those LEGO lovers!

Keith Ho
Learning & Development Manager
Swire Coca-Cola Hong Kong





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